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What Happened To Cliff Newman Judge Son Brian Newman? Know Everything About Tragic Incident

Alex Murdaugh was sentenced to life in prison by Judge Clifton Newman on Friday, January 3. The announcement comes just weeks after Netflix released Murdaugh Murders: A Southern Scandal, a documentary based on the Murdaugh family’s events. In the midst of the trial, Judge Newman’s personal life took center stage as people reflected on his son’s death. Continue reading to learn more about this tragic event.

Why Alex Murdaugh Sentenced to Life in Prison ? What Actually happened?

On March 3, 2023, Alex Murdaugh was sentenced to life in prison by Judge Clifton Newman, whose son, Brian, died a few months before the trial. Brian Newman died as a result of a heart attack caused by a blood clot in his heart. The incident occurred on January 3, 2023. Brian decided to follow in his father’s footsteps and became Columbia’s youngest councilman.

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During the trial, it was revealed that prior to Brian’s death, he and his father had been estranged. Judge Newman had not seen or spoken to his son in over two years before his death. The estrangement was due to Brian’s choices in life; he became involved with drugs and alcohol and had several run-ins with the law. Despite their estrangement, Judge Newman did everything he could to ensure that his son got the help he needed and even tried to get him into rehab multiple times.

Brian’s death hit Judge Newman hard and he struggled to keep it together during the trial. He was seen crying on multiple occasions and even had to take a few days off from the trial. However, he remained professional and gave Alex Murdaugh the sentence he deserved.

Who was Brian Newman? Funeral Arrangements

Brian DeQuincey Newman, born in Columbia, South Carolina, was an amazing individual that lived to see 41 years. He graduated from Spring Valley High School and Morehouse College before attending the University of South Carolina School of Law.

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Brian was a well devoted assistant solicitor, city councilman, and practicing attorney. His family – parents Clifton and Patricia Newman and his siblings Corwyn, Jocelyn and Kellee – will fondly remember him at the funeral services held Monday, January 9th at 11:00am (viewing begins at 10:00am). I. DeQuincey Newman United Methodist Church located at 7801 Wilson Boulevard Columbia SC 29201 will be accepting donations in lieu of flowers. Those who were lucky enough to know Brian can now pay their utmost respects to his legacy.

While many people are familiar with the story of Alex Murdaugh, the recent Netflix documentary has brought new attention to the case. The documentary has also shed new light on Judge Clifton Newman and his personal life. After watching the documentary, many people have revised their opinion of Judge Newman and now see him as a man who is struggling with immense grief but still managing to do his job professionally.

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