HomeCrimePorn Addict Killer James Toliver Craig Is Now In Custody And Charged...

Porn Addict Killer James Toliver Craig Is Now In Custody And Charged With First-Degree Murder Wife Angela Craig

Porn Addict Killer James Toliver Craig Is Now In Custody And Charged With First-Degree Murder Wife Angela Craig’ A twisted dentist who was arrested for the murder of his wife and mother of six children allegedly researched poisons that can’t be detected in an autopsy before spiking her protein shakes with arsenic and cyanide to start a new life with his lover.

Porn Addict Killer James Toliver Craig Is Now In Custody And Charged With First-Degree Murder Wife Angela Craig

James Toliver Craig, 45, faces first-degree murder after his wife Angela Craig, 43, was taken off the ventilator on March 19, after being declared brain dead.

The disgraced dentist and husband apparently searched, “‘how many grams of pure arsenic will kill a human.’ ‘Is Arsenic Detectable in Autopsy.’ ‘Top 5 Undetectable Poisons That Show No Signs of Foul Play,’ ‘how to make poison,’ and ‘The Top 10 Deadliest Plants (They Can Kill You),'” reported Daily Mail citing the court affidavit. Craig was allegedly also exchanging “intimate” and “$exually explicit” emails with an orthodontist, his supposed lover from Austin, Texas and even flew the woman to see him while his wife was battling for life in the hospital, before being removed off life support.


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Porn Addict Killer James Toliver Craig Is Now In Custody
Porn Addict Killer James Toliver Craig Is Now In Custody
James Toliver Craig is now in custody and charged with first-degree murder (Aurora Police Department)

Porn-Addict Dentist James Toliver Craig’s Calculated Murder Plot

Craig allegedly used his workplace computer to order the chemical compound and told an office manager he was expecting a package and not to open it on March 6. The court affidavit mentions that Craig set up a new Gmail account that he only used at his office in 14000 block of East Hampden Avenue. Using the account, he researched multiple “undetectable poisons” and ordered Crystalline Metalloid Arsenic from Amazon. Investigators revealed that orders were made from that specific account despite his claim that he ordered them for work.

Screenshot of the searches made by James Craig (Aurora Police)
Screenshot of the searches made by James Craig (Aurora Police)

On the day of the catastrophe, Craig gave Angela “extra protein” that morning before a workout “because she was feeling sluggish” but it landed her in the hospital two days later. After the workout, Angela complained about her feeling funny, along with feeling dizzy and her eyes not being able to focus and ultimately James took Angela to the Parker Adventist Hospital. The affidavit states that these symptoms are consistent with arsenic poisoning. Craig planned to, “end his wife’s life by searching for ways to kill someone undetected, providing her poisons that align with her hospitalized symptoms, and working on starting a new life with [his lover],” read the affidavit.

Porn Addict Killer James Toliver Craig Is Now In Custody
Screenshot of the text messages exchanged between Angela complaining to Craig about feeling weird (Aurora police)
Screenshot of the text messages exchanged between Angela complaining to Craig about feeling weird (Aurora police)

Porn Addict Killer James Toliver Craig Is Now In Custody- Angela once texted her husband after falling ill: “I feel drugged.” He replied, “Just for the record I didn’t drug you. She had even told him: “That drink you gave me tastes weird,” when he gave her the shake to drink.

Craig continued to look for more ways to administer the poison. Angela was released from the hospital on March 6 and on the same day, reportedly Craig ordered Oleandrin, a cardiac glycoside found in the poisonous plant oleander. On March 7, he kept up his charade and expressed concern and sent repeated declarations of love when she began complaining of feeling ill. At one point, he apologized for not bringing her flowers in the hospital and expressed that he was awaiting her return home. Luckily, FedEx refused to deliver the Oleandrin package as the usage stated, “Products are for research use only. Not for human use. We do not sell to patients.” On March 8, he tried his luck again and ordered Sigma (Potassium Cyanide) from Midland Scientific with a request for overnight shipping. However, the package arrived at his office on March 13. On March 9 as Angela’s symptoms worsened Craig sent her a text saying: “Man, baby, you’ve got to stop scaring me like this! I love you so much, and I’m not used to all of this excitement!”

Porn Addict Killer James Toliver Craig Is Now In Custody
James and Angela Craig with their six children aged eight to 20 (Facebook)
James and Angela Craig with their six children (Facebook/ Summerbrook Dental)

The Poisons James Craig Used In His Murder Plot

In the affidavit, the dentist was accused of using two poisons to murder his wife: arsenic and potassium cyanide. Arsenic is a naturally occurring element in the environment. It is known as the “King of Poisons” due to its use to assassinate royalty in the past. Arsenic poisoning causes vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhoea, which can lead to dehydration and shock. In case of toxic levels of arsenic exposure, symptoms may vary from altered mental status and multisystem organ failure. People can become inadvertently exposed to arsenic since it naturally occurs in the environment. It can be found in contaminated drinking water, consuming contaminated foods like rice and some fruit juices, or coming into contact with contaminated soil, dust, or wood preserved with arsenic compounds. Arsenic metal is also available for purchase online.

If consumed, potassium cyanide can be fatal. According to the Centers for Disease Control, exposure to it can be fatal quickly. It is commercially used for fumigation and the extraction of gold or silver from ores. According to the CDC, early symptoms of potassium cyanide poisoning include lightheadedness, rapid breathing, nausea, confusion, and anxiety. Stupor, coma, seizures, and death are all possible severe symptoms. It is also more difficult to obtain potassium cyanide than arsenic.

How James Craig’s Evil Scheme Was Discovered

Furthermore, the mother of six returned to the hospital on March 9 and was discharged on March 14, while doctors grew wary of her mysterious cause of symptoms. However, Craig’s sadistic act was uncovered after another package arrived at work on March 13 and an employee opened the box to find a biohazard sticker and a canister marked ‘Potassium Cyanide’. She swiftly googled the substance and its symptoms to shockingly realize the symptoms were similar to what Angela was experiencing. When the employee heard Angela was readmitted to the hospital on March 15, she made Craig’s business partner aware of her discovery, who then told a nurse during a visit check up on her.

The nurse informed the police and her death was investigated by Major Crimes Homicide Unit detectives who determined she was poisoned. Craig cunningly told investigators that his wife was intentionally overdosing on opioids since he asked for a divorce in December 2022. Authorities raided his home and seized protein powders shakers and numerous electronics such as computers, phones, and Ziploc bags containing powdery substances.

How James Craig Tried To Cover His Tracks

Porn Addict Killer James Toliver Craig Is Now In Custody
Screenshot of the text message Criag sent his work partner asking them to keep the silence (Aurora police)
Screenshot of the text message Craig sent his work partner asking them to keep silent (Aurora police)

Craig tried to unsuccessfully cover his tracks at each juncture. Craig’s dental practice partner, who had known him for more than 20 years, also came to see Angela once Craig informed him that she was gravely ill. Since he was also suspicions, he shared it with a nurse on March 15 that Craig had recently ordered Potassium Cyanide claiming it was for dental practice, but there was no need for it at work. He even voiced his suspicion that Angela may have been poisoned. That nurse called the police and that’s when the investigation began, reports CBS.

The court affidavit included a text from Craig to his business partner urging him to do him a favour “Please don’t talk to anyone about what we talked about last night, including any law enforcement officers.”

What was James Craig’s Motive Behind Murdering His Wife Angela?

In the middle of all this happening, Craig’s mistress – an orthodontist in Texas – kept inquiring about his wife’s condition. It is speculated that Craig may have murdered Angela to start a new life with his lover. She even flew to Colorado to visit Craig from March 8-10, while Angela was hospitalized, reports Daily Mail. Craig’s charging documents state that the relationship between the duo had been fractured. It also stated that Craig had ‘had multiple affairs with several women and once told Angela that he had been addicted to pornography since he was a teenager. The documents reveal Craig confessing to her that he had even drugged her five or six years ago, telling her that after killing her, he wanted to die peacefully without her interfering when he wanted to actually kill himself. He refers to the incident in the text messages shared between her and him where he says, “Given our history, I know that must be triggering,’ Craig tells her. ‘Just for the record, I didn’t drug you. I am super worried though. You really looked pale before I left.”

On March 10, while Craig’s mistress from Texas had come to town, Craig tried to play the romantic husband as he texted Angela: “I wish I could have stayed longer. I love you and am so glad you seem to be doing better.” On March 11, he sent her another text: “I just work up dreaming about making love to you. I love you and I want you.” However, on March 16, with Angela’s condition worsening, his mistress reportedly emailed him expressing how she wanted to comfort him. ‘I am sorry I am not part of your world to be of more help to you and instead I am pulling you away. This is so hard. I want to be and do whatever I can to support and encourage you and I don’t want to add to what has become an incredibly difficult time. I do want to give you any comfort I can but I do not feel it is right for me to mix in with those gatherings to mourn Angela either and I do not want to meet your family as a friend and conceal what I feel for you,” the woman wrote to Craig.

‘They Lost Both Parents At The Same Time’

With Angela dead and Craig arrested and accused of first-degree murder charges, it is a sad fate for the couple’s six children. Karen and Michael Lucero, friends of Angela and Craig told CBS: “I keep praying for the kids because they lost both parents at the same time. I got a card and put together some money for the family. I haven’t given them yet because I just found out what really happened.” Karen also mentioned how Craig had informed her that Angela, “…blacked out on Monday. I took her to the hospital and she’s been in a coma ever since and they’re taking her off respiratory tomorrow.” Karen admitted the death was quite shocking, especially the manner in which it happened as she described her friend as a person who “would take off her shirt if she had to. That’s just the kind of person she is.” Friends of Angela revealed during the investigation that she had been wanting to leave Craig for years and that the couple was struggling financially.

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