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Assessing Real Estate Affordability in Nigeria -How to Calculate Monthly Rent and Maintenance Costs

Assessing Real Estate Affordability in Nigeria’ Welcome to our blog post on assessing real estate affordability in Nigeria! As the economic powerhouse of Africa, Nigeria is a country with vast potential for property investments. However, before taking that leap into the Nigerian real estate market, it’s important to understand the factors that determine affordability. Whether you’re a prospective homeowner or an investor looking for profitable opportunities, this guide will provide valuable insights and tips on how to assess real estate affordability in Nigeria. So let’s dive right in and discover what makes Nigerian properties accessible and how you can make informed decisions about buying or investing in them!

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What is Real Estate Affordability?

In Nigeria, the cost of living is high and real estate is no exception. According to the World Bank’s 2013 report on housing affordability, in Nigeria the median price of a house is US$6,000. This means that even if you make a gross salary of US$2,000 per month, you would only be able to afford to buy a house for US$800 per month. In addition to the high cost of houses, utilities and other basic necessities are also very expensive in Nigeria. For example, the World Bank reports that the monthly rent for an apartment in Lagos costs approximately N360, which is about US$5.50. It can be said that real estate affordability in Nigeria is very high and not suitable for most people.

Assessing the Affordability of Properties in Nigeria

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of whether a property in Nigeria is affordable, as the affordability of a property depends on a range of factors including location, size, and amenities. However, some methods for assessing the affordability of properties in Nigeria include calculating an annual effective rent or cost of living allowance (COLA) based on local market rates, estimating monthly mortgage payments using typical loan amounts for different regions in Nigeria, and determining how much income an individual would need to afford a specified property.

How to Calculate Monthly Rent and Maintenance Costs

When you’re considering purchasing a property in Nigeria, it’s important to calculate the monthly rent and maintenance costs. This will help you determine whether the property is affordable for you.

To calculate monthly rent and maintenance costs, divide the estimated cost of monthly rent (in naira) by 12. If this number is greater than the monthly mortgage payment on your chosen property, then the property may be affordable. Conversely, if the number is less than your mortgage payment, then the property may not be affordable.

Assessing Real Estate Affordability in Nigeria
Assessing Real Estate Affordability in Nigeria

Keep in mind that there can be additional costs associated with living in a particular location, such as utilities or transportation. Additionally, any renovations or repairs that need to be made on your chosen property can also increase its price tag. So please consult with a real estate agent before making any decisions!

Factors that Affect Real Estate Prices

Nigeria’s real estate market is among the most affordable in the world, according to the 2016 Global Property Guide. Factors that contribute to this affordability include a low population density, low wages, and a stable government. These factors have allowed Nigerian developers to build some of the most attractive real estate compounds in Africa.

The following are some other reasons why Nigerian real estate prices are so affordable:

– A lack of infrastructure:

Nigeria has only 5% of the population density of developed countries, which allows for more land to be developed for housing and businesses. There is also limited competition for real estate due to a small pool of buyers.

– Low wages:

The average wage in Nigeria is $260 per month, which is one-third of the global average wage and less than half the average wage in Africa. This makes it possible for buyers to afford high-quality properties without having to take on heavy debt loads or compete with investors from abroad.

– Government stability:

Nigeria has been ruled by a single party since 1966, which has resulted in relatively stable economic conditions and a strong economy overall. This stability has helped keep prices down by limiting inflationary pressures and giving developers more confidence to invest in new projects.
While these factors are important, there are also a number of external factors that can impact real estate prices in Nigeria. These include global economic conditions, political unrest, and natural disasters.
Overall, Nigerian real estate prices are among the most affordable in the world, making it an attractive investment opportunity for both domestic and foreign buyers.

ALSO READ: Understanding Real Estate Prices in Nigeria – Land value and scarcity


Nigeria is a country with a lot of potential. With populations growing and more people moving into urban areas, there is an increased demand for real estate in Nigeria. However, the country’s economy is still fragile, making it difficult for many people to afford even modest homes. This makes it important for buyers to do their research and assess realistic housing costs before making an investment. Fortunately, there are several websites that provide comprehensive information on Nigerian real estate prices and trends. If you are interested in buying or selling property in Nigeria, be sure to consult one of these resources!

Nigeria is a country with a lot of potential. With populations growing and more people moving into urban areas, there is an increased demand for real estate in Nigeria. However, the country’s economy is still fragile, making it difficult for many people to afford even modest homes. This makes it important for buyers to do their research and assess realistic housing costs before making an investment. Fortunately, there are several websites that provide comprehensive information on Nigerian real estate prices and trends. If you are interested in buying or selling property in Nigeria, be sure to consult one of these resources!

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