HomeCrimeJordan Thomas Piper sentenced in child sex crime case

Jordan Thomas Piper sentenced in child sex crime case

Jordan Thomas Piper appears in two photos; one of his children appears in a photo with his face blurred

Jordan Thomas Piper appears in two photos; one of his children appears in a photo, on the far left, with his face blurred. (Defendant’s sentencing memorandum; El Dorado County)

A California father has been sentenced to spend over a decade behind bars in a federal child sexual exploitation case – while facing state charges for the alleged murder and torture of his 11-year-old son.

Jordan Thomas Piper, 38, pleaded guilty in March to making “surreptitious recordings” of a girl under 18. He was charged with that offense by federal prosecutors in June 2022.

In October 2021, the defendant and his wife, Lindsay Piper, 40, were charged with the murder of Roman Anthony Lopez, 11, found hidden in a storage bin in the family’s basement in January 2020 at their residence in Placerville, California, a small town in the Sacramento metropolitan area. The couple was previously charged with torture and child abuse over his death in February 2021.

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