HomeCrimeRobert Cota gets 2 life sentences for sexual abuse of girl

Robert Cota gets 2 life sentences for sexual abuse of girl

Robert Cota sexual predator

Robert Cota will spend the rest of his life in prison after he sexually abused a child for three years starting when she was 11 in Escambia County, Florida. He also admitted to beating the girl with belts, cords and automobile parts. (Escambia County Jail)

A north Florida judge sentenced a 33-year-old man charged with 1,200 counts of battery and sexual battery to two life sentences plus 35 years for carrying out what prosecutors called “some of the most heinous acts against a vulnerable child.”

Prosecutors from the State Attorney’s Office First Judicial Circuit of Florida revealed at trial that Robert Joel Cota had been sexually abusing a minor child over a period of three years starting when she was 11 in Escambia County. The victim had extensive bruising, scars and marks from months of abuse, a press release said.

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