HomeCrime40 years probation for mom who killed daughter, injured son

40 years probation for mom who killed daughter, injured son

Inset: Sadiyo Ibrahim Mohamed booking photo Washington County Jail. Mohamed residence morning after crime. Fox affiliate WFTC YouTube screengrab

The Mohamed residence the morning after the crime. Inset: Sadiyo Ibrahim Mohamed booking photo (Fox affiliate WFTC YouTube screengrab / Washington County Jail).

A woman with an extensive history of mental illness who murdered her young daughter and assaulted her young son two years ago will not have to spend any more time in prison after a roughly 30-year prison sentence was stayed in favor of a sentence of 40 years on probation.

Sadiyo Ibrahim Mohamed, 34, beat her daughter, 5, to death with a metal rod in May 2021, according to court records reviewed Monday by Law&Crime.

The child suffered head injuries and was found by police unconscious in a pool of blood when they arrived at Mohamed’s home in Woodbury, Minnesota. Her son, 6, had run into the street screaming as Mohamed chased him. He too was injured with severe contusions on his head and arm.

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