HomeCrimeTeacher used yearbook photos to make child porn, feds allege

Teacher used yearbook photos to make child porn, feds allege

A lawsuit was filed against the Diocese of Louisville after a teacher at St. Stephen Martyr Catholic School, Jordan Fautz, inset, allegedly used yearbook photos to create child porn. Federal prosecutors indicted Fautz last month. (Screenshot: WLKY/YouTube)

A lawsuit was filed against the Diocese of Louisville after a teacher at St. Stephen Martyr Catholic School, Jordan Fautz, inset, allegedly used yearbook photos to create child porn. Federal prosecutors indicted Fautz last month. (Screenshot: WLKY/YouTube)

The Catholic school teacher in Kentucky indicted for using yearbook photos of students and morphing them into pictures of naked bodies also had an inappropriate relationship with a student, according to a lawsuit filed against the Archdiocese of Louisville.

Federal prosecutors from the Western District of Kentucky last month indicted 39-year-old Jordan Fautz on charges of distribution of child pornography and obscene visual representation of child sexual abuse. Fautz was a seventh and eighth grade teacher at St. Stephen Martyr Catholic School in Louisville.

FBI agents busted Fautz distributing images on a social networking app of a nude photo collage using the real names of a minor girl between 12 to 15 years old and her mother, authorities said. Fautz allegedly used Photoshop or morphing technology to input non-sexual yearbook photos onto pornographic images and videos. The girl had on a red shirt with the letters SSM, the school’s initials, standing in front of a SSMCardinals school photo backdrop, according to the complaint.

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