HomeCrimeBoy charged with manslaughter in teen girl's burning death

Boy charged with manslaughter in teen girl’s burning death

Sebastian Jonathon Lindsey tossed gasoline into a burning barrel, fatally burning the nearby Madison Lewis, police said. (Mug shot: Jack County, Texas; image of Lewis: Her family)

Sebastian Jonathon Lindsey tossed gasoline into a burning barrel, fatally burning the nearby Madison Lewis, police said. (Mug shot: Jack County, Texas; image of Lewis: Her family)

A 23-year-old Texas man is facing charges after authorities say he tossed gasoline into a burning barrel during a get-together with friends, causing a teenage girl’s hair and clothes to catch on fire and fatally burning most of her body.

Madison Lewis, 17, languished in a medically induced coma since early Dec. 16 and died on Saturday.

Now the defendant, Sebastian Jonathon Lindsey, is locked up at the Jack County Jail without bond on a count of manslaughter.

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