HomeCrimeDHS raids Diddy's homes as sex trafficking claims swirl

DHS raids Diddy’s homes as sex trafficking claims swirl

Left: WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA - FEBRUARY 8: Sean Combs, Diddy, at The FOX season finale viewing party for The Four: Battle For Stardom at Delilah in West Hollywood, California on February 8, 2018. (Credit: Faye Sadou/MediaPunch /IPX). Right: FILE - Actor Cuba Gooding Jr. appears in court, Jan. 22, 2020, in New York. (Alec Tabak/The Daily News via AP, File, Pool)

Left: WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA — FEBRUARY 8: Sean Combs, Diddy, at The FOX season finale viewing party for The Four: Battle For Stardom at Delilah in West Hollywood, California on February 8, 2018. (Credit: Faye Sadou/MediaPunch /IPX). Right: FILE — Actor Cuba Gooding Jr. appears in court, Jan. 22, 2020, in New York. (Alec Tabak/The Daily News via AP, File, Pool)

As details slowly emerge about the alleged Homeland Security raids on homes owned by Sean “Diddy” Combs on both coasts, a lawsuit reveals bombshell accusations against the music mogul for alleged sex trafficking, sexual abuse, and grooming.

Rodney “Lil Rod” Jones Jr. has sued Combs for racketeering — including sex trafficking and drug distribution — as well as sexual assault and sexual harassment. He names Combs, his son Justin Dior Combs, actor Cuba Gooding Jr., and others as defendants. According to an amended complaint filed Monday, Jones was recruited in 2022 by Combs to produce several songs on an R&B album, and after he agreed — and lived with Combs for months between September 2022 and September 2023 — “his life has been detrimentally impacted ever since.”

Jones, the complaint says, “personally witnessed and secured irrefutable evidence of” several illegal acts, including:

a. The acquisition, use, and distribution of ecstasy, cocaine, GHB, ketamine, marijuana, and mushrooms,

b. The displaying and distribution of unregistered illegal firearms,

c. Mr. Combs providing laced alcoholic beverages to minors (LA home July 2023) and sex workers at his homes in California, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Florida, and Saint Barthélemy,

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e. [Combs’ son] Christian Combs drugging and sexually assaulting a woman

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i. Rapper (REDACTED) on Mr. Combs yacht consorting with underaged girls, sex workers, and

j. R&B Singer (REDACTED) in Mr. Combs Los Angeles home consorting with underaged girls and sex workers.

Also on Monday, Homeland Security agents reportedly carried out searches at two of Combs’ homes — one in Miami and one in Los Angeles, according to multiple reports including the Los Angeles Times. The raids were allegedly connected to sex trafficking allegations, the newspaper reported.

“Earlier today, Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) New York executed law enforcement actions as part of an ongoing investigation, with assistance from HSI Los Angeles, HSI Miami, and our local law enforcement partners,” a Homeland Security spokesperson said in a statement Monday. “We will provide further information as it becomes available.”

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