Diamond Alvarez’s uncle (wearing a blue and white shirt) rushed Frank Deleon (in jail orange) after Deleon pleaded guilty to murdering Alvarez. (Screenshot: KTRK)
As seen on video, two members of a murdered girl’s family rushed the young man who had just pleaded guilty to shooting her in cold blood. The defendant, Frank Deleon, had shot his ex-girlfriend, Diamond Alvarez, 22 times because he wanted to keep her quiet about him cheating on her with another girl, authorities have said.
That case reached its sudden conclusion on Tuesday in a courtroom in Harris County, Texas, with Deleon, now 19 — 17 at the time of the crime — pleading guilty in exchange for 45 years in prison.
Alvarez’s mother, Anna Machado, called him a “monster” in the hearing on Tuesday, according to Houston ABC affiliate KTRK. She said Deleon’s mother had raised him to be a monster.
Then, as seen in the footage, she started walking toward him. A bailiff stepped in her way. But a man in a blue and white striped shirt — reportedly identified as Diamond’s uncle — rushed Deleon from behind. Courtroom officials intervened, pulling away the defendant, who sported an arm in a sling. His defense said yesterday he had suffered an accident on the way to court on Monday, which was supposed to be the first day of his murder trial.
The melee continued as Deleon’s mother pushed Machado. Another woman in a hoodie and red shirt also stepped into the fray, which continued for several minutes, according to KTRK.
Machado apologized after court but maintained her disdain for Deleon.
“All this time, he’s been laughing,” she said. “Laughing, making fun, ‘it’s a joke.’ A life is not a joke. My daughter is not a joke.”
Authorities have said that Deleon — who allegedly once put a gun to Diamond’s head during their relationship — lured her out after their breakup and shot her in a park near her home while walking her dog. Authorities suggested many shots were fired while the 16-year-old victim was on her back.
Machado found her dying and attempted CPR. Though she accepted the prison sentence, she said the 45 years behind bars would never be enough. Her family’s life stopped on that night, and they’re now going to try to move forward.
“We’re like walking zombies,” she said.
She said the murder was Deleon’s choice, and she voiced hope he would feel regret.
“But that’s on him,” she said.
Sentencing is scheduled for Thursday.
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