Ronald Colton McAbee was sentenced to prison for assaulting officers at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. (Photos from court documents)
A former sheriff’s deputy from Tennessee who wore reinforced knuckle gloves during the Capitol riots on Jan. 6 was sentenced to prison for assaulting officers. He pleaded guilty to two crimes in September and was convicted of five other counts after a trial last year. He was also ordered to pay $32,165 in restitution.
Ronald Colton McAbee, 30, was sentenced to five years and 10 months in federal prison, less than the 12 years and seven months in prison prosecutors recommended.
U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras took him to task.
“I take attacks on law enforcement very seriously,” said Contreras, a Barack Obama appointee. “Which I suspect you did too before that day.”
McAbee said he wished he could apologize to the officers, who did not attend the hearing on Thursday, The Associated Press reported.
“I wish they were here so I can tell them I’m sorry,” McAbee said, the AP reported.
“I’m sorry for all the families that lost someone,” he added.
McAbee was among thousands who participated in the attack on the Capitol that interrupted the certification of the 2020 Electoral College vote count and threatened the peaceful transfer of power after the 2020 Presidential election.
Days earlier, McAbee texted a friend about their plans to travel to Washington, including bringing weapons and other gear, his sentencing memo said.
McAbee had been on medical leave at the time from his job as a sheriff’s deputy after he hurt his shoulder in a car crash.
“How can I get some knuckles?” McAbee texted his friend.
He also said he had a tire repair kit.
“The t handle tire puncture is a great tool,” he texted, according to court documents.
“Lol this is true!” the friend replied.
McAbee asked his friend to order him a pair of “Steel Outdoor Reinforced Brass Knuckle Motorcycle Motorbike Powersports Racing Textile Safety Gloves” the friend had just purchased.
He also bought a shirt his friend had designed, with the messages, “SAME BLOODLINE DIFFERENT GENERATION,” “WE WILL NOT COMPLY WE WILL NOT DISARM.” It was adorned with the term “Three Percent,” a phrase authorities say is based on the myth that only 3% of American colonists took up arms against the British during the American Revolution. They believe that a small force with a just cause can overthrow the government if armed and prepared, officials said.
McAbee assured his friend, “I will rise and fall along side you. This is for future generations.”
McAbee dressed for battle, wearing reinforced brass knuckle gloves that Roberts had ordered for him and a bulletproof vest with two patches. One patch announced his position as a law enforcement officer, reading “SHERIFF.” The other bore the Three Percenter insignia, a “III” circled with thirteen stars. He also wore the shirt he had purchased from Roberts, a red “Make America Great Again” baseball cap.
McAbee stood upright, yelled obscenities, and hit the officer’s face twice with his hands before turning his attention back to Wayte, grabbing him, and lifting him.
The two slid down steps as Wayte struggled to push McAbee off of him. McAbee shoved Wayte’s arms and hands away and held Wayte down as other rioters hit the officer. At one point, rioters ripped off Wayte’s gas mask and sprayed him in the face with a chemical irritant before Wayte eventually rolled over and made his way back to the police line.
At one point, McAbee and others turned their attention to a woman who lay unconscious amid the chaos and tried performing CPR on her before carrying her to the police line, where officers continued CPR but were unable to revive her.
Later testifying at trial, Officer Wayte said injuries kept him out of work for months. He had a concussion and a cut on his head that required staples, among other injuries.
He described being sprayed with chemicals as “blinding,” “painful,” a “searing hot sensation,” and what he imagined asthma felt like.
A day after the deadly riots, McAbee celebrated, smiling in a photo with his friend, holding a newspaper with the headline: “INSURRECTION.”
“I’ve shed blood for my country,” he texted someone. “By the hands of the swamp. I will shed much more in the days to come. But I will not forget the Oath I swore years ago to protect the America I once knew. / necisque libertas [liberty or death].”
McAbee was arrested on Aug. 17, 2021, in Nashville, Tennessee, when tipsters provided information about him after the FBI put out an alert to “be on the lookout for him.
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