HomeCrimeFamily of boy, 8, who died on playground suing Utah school

Family of boy, 8, who died on playground suing Utah school

Dallin Cunningham death

Eight-year-old Dallin Cunningham, inset, died last year on the playground at Rose Springs Elementary in Stansbury Park, Utah, after falling off a slide. Now, his parents are suing the school district. (Dallin: Obituary; School: Google Maps)

The family of an 8-year-old boy is suing the Utah school district, where he died after flying off a slide on a playground.

According to the lawsuit filed Monday, Dallin Cunningham was on the playground at Rose Springs Elementary in Stansbury Park, Utah, about 30 miles outside of Salt Lake City, during recess on Feb. 6, 2023. He went down a cork-screw-like slide but “flew off” and fell about 7 feet to a “frozen rock-hard” surface below.

The lawsuit says, according to police, the fall occurred no later than 10:07 a.m., but school staff did not call 911 for 10 minutes. The Tooele County Sheriff’s Office said school staff did CPR on Dallin until an ambulance arrived. Paramedics rushed him to the hospital, but he died the next day of blunt-force trauma to the head.

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