Jordon Dominique King murdered his grandparents at their home, say deputies in Escambia County, Florida. (Mug shot: Escambia County Sheriff’s Office; screenshot: WEAR)
More than two months after leaving prison for a grand theft case, a man is accused of killing his grandparents and leaving them dead at their home. Authorities in Escambia County, Florida, did not immediately suggest why Jordon Dominique King, 24, allegedly did it, but according to Pensacola ABC affiliate WEAR, he landed on their radar because he had been living with the victims. His grandparents, dead from apparent blunt force trauma, were found in different rooms.
King got out of prison on Nov. 29, 2023, for the aforementioned charges of grand theft less than $5,000,grand theft of a motor vehicle, and burglary, online records show. Just six days later, he was arrested for trespassing at a woman’s home in the 200 block of Lakeland Ct.
He told her “people were chasing him and that people were being abused,” according to documents in that case.
When found by an investigator with the sheriff’s office, he said that someone in the Bloods gang was chasing him, authorities wrote.
“S/King continued to change the subject and ramble on about a bunch of different topics,” authorities wrote.
He got out of jail on Feb. 15, the same day he pleaded no contest to the case. The judge sentenced him to a year of probation, with the possibility of early termination after six months.
And then, a week later on Thursday, Escambia County deputies said that they responded to the 1200 block of Greenbriar Boulevard that afternoon. They found a man and woman dead inside a home.
They immediately set out for Jordon King and later took him into custody later that day.
“Someone called and said, ‘I think I know where this person is,’” Sheriff Chip W. Simmons said, according to WEAR. “He was on foot when we took him into custody without incident, and we brought him to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.”
Deputies found the victims after performing a welfare check when relatives had not heard from the couple in a few days. The sheriff reportedly described the crime scene as “horrific.”
Charlene Daughtry, a neighbor of the victims, said she knew them only as “the Kings,” according the outlet. They were good people, she said.
“It’s very sad,” Daughtry said. “It’s very upsetting to know that happened to two nice people and I feel very bad about it.
King remains at the local jail without bond and faces two counts of second-degree murder.
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