HomePeopleMatthew Perry's Will: No Entitlement for Children

Matthew Perry’s Will: No Entitlement for Children

Matthew Perry’s Will, the beloved actor known for his role in “Friends,” left behind a detailed will that outlined his wishes for his estate, which was revealed more than four months after his death. Perry’s will, created in 2009, established a trust named after the character Alvy Singer from Woody Allen’s “Annie Hall.” This trust was intended to manage the majority of his belongings, but it was also notable for its specific stipulations regarding his children and heirs.

Perry explicitly stated in his will that he did not want any children he might have had to be entitled to his fortune. He intentionally omitted any provision for his heirs, issue, relatives, or other persons who were not named in the will. This decision also extended to stepchildren or foster children he might have had or could acquire in the future. This part of his will highlights Perry’s desire to control his estate independently of any potential family members, ensuring that his assets would be distributed according to his own wishes rather than following the default laws of inheritance.

Matthew Perry’s Will: No Entitlement for Children

The executors of Perry’s will were Lisa Ferguson and Robin Ruzan, with the latter being Mike Myers’ ex-wife who executive produced the game show “Celebrity Liar,” in which Perry appeared in 2010. Perry’s will also included his father, John Perry, his mother, Suzanne Morrison, his half-sister, Caitlin Morrison, and his ex-girlfriend, Rachel Dunn, who he dated for two years before their 2005 breakup, as trust beneficiaries. This inclusion of specific individuals suggests that Perry had a close relationship with these individuals and wanted to ensure they were provided for in his estate.

At the time of Perry’s death, he had over $1 million in personal property, in addition to what was already in his living trust. Perry was found dead in the hot tub of his Los Angeles home on October 28, and the cause of death was determined to be the accidental “acute effects of ketamine,” with contributing factors of drowning, coronary artery disease, and the effects of buprenorphine, a drug commonly used to treat opioid use disorder. Perry’s death was a tragic loss for his friends and fans, who remembered him as a talented and beloved actor.

Matthew Perry's will reveals the executors of his estate and a $1M ...
Matthew Perry’s will reveals the executors of his estate and a $1M …

Perry’s estate, which includes all of his assets such as real estate, property, residuals from “Friends,” copyrights, trademarks, royalties, and investments, is subject to probate court if there is no will or trust. However, given Perry’s detailed will, his estate will likely be managed according to his specific instructions. If his parents choose to “disclaim” the inheritance, his estate could pass to his half-siblings. This decision would require his parents to file a gift tax return and use up some or all of their lifetime gift exemption, which was $12,920,000 in 2023 and increases to $13,610,000 in 2024 for inflation.

Perry’s estate could also potentially pass to his parents, John Bennett Perry and Suzanne Morrison, as they are the only individuals named in his will. However, if his parents choose to disclaim the inheritance, it could pass to his half-siblings, including Caitlin, Emily, Will, and Madeline Morrison on his mother’s side, and Maria Perry on his father’s. This decision would need to be made in writing within nine months of Perry’s passing and before they receive any benefits from the assets.

Matthew Perry’s will was a detailed document that outlined his wishes for his estate, including his decision to exclude any potential children from being entitled to his fortune. His estate, which includes a wide range of assets, will be managed according to his specific instructions, with the possibility of passing to his parents or half-siblings depending on their decisions regarding the inheritance.

The Executors of Perry’s Will and What Was Their Role in Managing His Estate?

The executors of Matthew Perry’s will were Lisa Ferguson and Robin Ruzan. Their roles in managing his estate were crucial, as they were tasked with ensuring that Perry’s wishes as outlined in his will were carried out. Specifically, they were responsible for overseeing the distribution of his estate, which included a majority of his belongings placed in the “Alvy Singer Living Trust,” named after the character from Woody Allen’s “Annie Hall.” This trust was established to manage Perry’s assets, with the executors ensuring that the trust’s provisions were adhered to and that the assets were distributed according to Perry’s instructions.

Perry’s will also stipulated that if one of the executors failed or ceased to act, the other was to act as the executor. This provision was designed to ensure continuity in the management of his estate, should one of the executors be unable to fulfill their duties. The executors were also responsible for handling any legal matters related to the estate, including filing necessary documents and managing any disputes that might arise regarding the distribution of Perry’s assets.

Details of ‘Friends' star Matthew Perry will revealed
Details of ‘Friends’ star Matthew Perry will revealed

In addition to their roles as executors, Ferguson and Ruzan were also involved in the broader management of Perry’s estate. Ferguson, who was Perry’s longtime business manager, accepted the responsibility of acting as an executor, indicating her close relationship with Perry and her role in managing his professional affairs. Ruzan, on the other hand, was an executive producer on “Celebrity Liar,” a game show on which Perry appeared in 2010, highlighting her involvement in the entertainment industry and her connection to Perry.

The executors’ responsibilities were not limited to the legal and financial aspects of managing Perry’s estate. They were also tasked with ensuring that Perry’s wishes regarding his belongings and assets were respected, including the decision to exclude any potential children from being entitled to his fortune. This aspect of Perry’s will underscores the executors’ role in upholding the terms of his will and ensuring that his estate was managed in accordance with his specific instructions.

In summary, Lisa Ferguson and Robin Ruzan served as the executors of Matthew Perry’s will, playing a pivotal role in managing his estate according to his wishes. Their responsibilities included overseeing the distribution of his assets, ensuring the continuity of the estate’s management, and adhering to the terms of Perry’s will, particularly regarding the exclusion of any potential children from being entitled to his fortune.

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