Maurice Hastings Found Factually Innocent of Murder- Judge William C. Ryan’ A California judge issued a rare ruling Wednesday that cleared a man who spent nearly four decades in prison for a rape and murder he didn’t commit after DNA tests pointed to another suspect.
Maurice Hastings Found Factually Innocent of Murder- Judge William C. Ryan
Maurice Hastings Found Factually Innocent of Murder- Judge William C. Ryan
Maurice Hastings was found factually innocent by a judge in Los Angeles on Wednesday. Hastings was cleared after LA County prosecutors — from the same office that charged him and initially sought the death penalty against him in the 1983 case — asked the judge to clear the 69-year-old man.
“You deserve to hear in a public courtroom that you, in fact, were not guilty of the crime,” Martha Carrillo, deputy in charge of the DA’s Conviction Integrity Unit, told the court on Wednesday. “And with that request to the court comes an apology, a long overdue apology.”