The double murder crime scene in Redmond, Washington (via KOMO News screengrab). Mugshot of Ramin Khodakaramrezaei (Redmond Police Department).
A Washington state podcaster and her husband were killed by a man who had been stalking her for months, according to the Redmond Police Department.
Just before 2 a.m. Friday morning, police received a 911 call from a woman who said there was a shooting at her home — that woman was later identified as one of the victims’ mothers.
When Redmond officers arrived to the scene, they found a man at the front door of the home who immediately collapsed and became unresponsive. The man, Mohammad Milad Naseri, died at the scene, police confirmed.
Police officers made their way inside the home and later found two other people dead in a bedroom: the suspected second victim and podcaster, Zohreh Sadeghi, and the alleged stalker, Ramin Khodakaramrezaei. Sadeghi had been shot and Khodakaramrezaei died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
In a press conference Friday, Redmond Police Department Chief Darrell Lowe said Khodakaramrezaei broke into the home through a bedroom window. The mother of one of the victims realized what was happening at the time, escaped, ran to a neighbor’s home and called 911.
The police chief confirmed Sadeghi and Khodakaramrezaei met on a podcast social platform called Clubhouse. The platform dubs itself as “a new type of social network based on voice—where people around the world come together to talk, listen and learn from each other in real-time,” according to their website.
Police said Khodakaramrezaei quickly became obsessed with Sadeghi and she eventually had to file a protective order. Chief Lowe said she first contacted law enforcement about her stalker in December 2022, then contacted them again in January 2023, formally filing the protective, no-contact order at the beginning of March. Investigators were unable to serve Khodakaramrezaei with the order because they could not find him. They did confirm he lived in Texas, but he was a long haul truck driver, always on the road, so it was difficult to pinpoint his location.
In the press conference, Chief Lowe said in one report, Khodakaramrezaei allegedly contacted Sadeghi over 100 times in just one day. There were also reports of Khodakaramrezaei showing up to the couple’s home unannounced with gifts and contacting her husband, Naseri, he said.
“A piece of paper does not protect a person who is intent on causing them harm,” Chief Lowe said. “This is the absolute worst outcome for a stalking case. This is every victim, every detective, every police chief’s worst nightmare.”
Sadeghi wrote in the protection order that Khodakaramrezaei threatened to “show up on my shoot and burn himself and set fire on my house by burning the tree that I love,” according to records KOMO News obtained. The order also said Khodakaramrezaei left the podcaster voicemails stating he wouldn’t let her go and the “only thing that will make all of this stop is if he killed himself or died.”
Police confirmed they towed a red truck away from the scene that is believed to have been the truck Khodakaramrezaei drove to get to the couple’s home.
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