HomeCrimeRoman Polanski will face civil trial for teen rape case

Roman Polanski will face civil trial for teen rape case

Left: YouTube screen grab from CW affiliate KTLA from Gloria Allred, right, press conference with victim "Jane Doe" who accuses director Roman Polanski, right, of rape. Right: Director Roman Polanski during a photocall session of his film

Left: YouTube screengrab from CW affiliate KTLA from Gloria Allred press conference with victim “Jane Doe” who accuses director Roman Polanski, right, of rape. Right: Director Roman Polanski during a photocall session of his film ‘D’apres une histoire vraie’ at the 70th Cannes International Film Festival. 05/27/2017. (Ekaterina Chesnokova/Sputnik via AP.)

Famed film director Roman Polanski will face civil trial this August in the United States in a lawsuit accusing him of plying a 16-year-old girl with tequila before raping her in his California home more than thirty years ago.

The civil trial will begin Aug. 4, according to a review of the docket at the Los Angeles County Superior Court. The development was formally announced first, however, on Tuesday during a press conference by the accuser’s attorney, Gloria Allred.

The lawsuit is tied to a complaint filed against Polanski in the U.S. dating back to June 2023 from a woman identified by Allred as Jane Doe.

Polanski’s attorney Alexander Rufus-Isaacs told Law&Crime in an email on Wednesday that the director “strenuously denies the allegations made against him in the lawsuit and believes that the proper place to try this case is in the courts, and not in press conferences.”

He would not speculate any further about how long the case may take once it gets underway.

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