HomeCrimeTeen gets 6 years in prison for threatening school shooting

Teen gets 6 years in prison for threatening school shooting

William Whitworth, who identifies as a female named Lilly, is accused of planning shootings at schools in Colorado. (School photo is a screengrab from CBS Colorado; the mugshot is from the District Attorney

William Whitworth, who identifies as a female named Lilly, is accused of planning shootings at schools in Colorado. (The school photo is a screengrab from CBS Colorado affiliate KCNC-TV; the mug shot is from the District Attorney’s Office in the 18th Judicial District in Colorado)

A teenager was sentenced this week for planning shootings at schools and churches in Colorado, naming in a manifesto people to be targeted, the locations of schools, and instructions on how to make guns with a 3D printer, authorities said.

William Whitworth, who identifies as “Lilly Whitworth,” was sentenced this week to six years in prison, followed by three years of mandatory parole, prosecutors said. She pleaded guilty in November to second-degree assault for threatening to target three schools in Colorado Springs Academy District 20.

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