Rolling through a red light and right past an on-duty police officer, a man who only two hours earlier had accepted a plea deal for firing a gun outside of a bar in Florida in 2021 found himself arrested anew, this time on numerous drug charges.
During the search of his vehicle on Nov. 20, Dylan Roy allegedly told the arresting Charlotte County sheriff’s officer that they were “ruining” his life, police said when announcing his arrest Wednesday.
In the statement, Charlotte County Sheriff Bill Prummell addressed that comment specifically.
“This is yet another example of someone who did not learn from his past mistakes. To accuse a deputy of ruining your life when it is you who is making the poor choices and breaking the law is sad. Accountability is a major step in turning your life around, and this individual needs to accept that.” Prummell said.

Dylan Roy booking photo Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office
Roy, 28, of Punta Gorda, was first arrested in September 2021 for allegedly aiming a gun at someone outside of a Port Charlotte watering hole, Gatorz Bar, according to police records. Officers said Roy pointed his gun at a man and told him, “b—-, your day” before speeding off in his car and firing two shots in the air as he left.
No one was injured, according to local NBC affiliate WBBH.
Roy was facing multiple charges for the incident including aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill and violation of probation. He was also charged with discharging a firearm from a vehicle.
According to court records reviewed by Law&Crime, Roy entered a no-contest plea for discharging the firearm from his car and in exchange, prosecutors agreed to drop his aggravated assault charge.
The plea deal he struck for those charges had only been on the books for two hours when he drove his white Ford Expedition through an intersection before a red light turned green in front of an occupied squad car on Nov. 20.
Once stopped, sheriff’s deputies wrote in a probable cause affidavit that a “smell of marijuana” wafted from the vehicle and Roy “appeared very nervous, so much so that he could not focus to provide the requested documents.” As Roy “frantically” moved things around in the car, the officer asked him to step out.
Calling the vehicle “his truck,” officers said a quick check on registration records showed the vehicle belonged to his father.
Roy “continuously apologized” for running the light and admitted he had a medical marijuana card but it had expired. After consenting to a search, officers said they found:
Two small baggies of marijuana on the passenger floorboard (approx. 9g), as Roy had said. Also on the passenger side, the deputies discovered an unfired 12-gauge shotgun shell, along with a scale with residue and cash inside of a red shoebox.
A second box was located inside the driver’s visor, which contained two small baggies of a white substance. This substance was tested and generated a positive response for fentanyl.
The total weight of the white substance was 5.5g, exceeding the 4g amount required for a trafficking charge.
Police said after they hauled Roy into the back of their squad car, he made “several racist comments” and threatened the deputy.
Roy is now charged with trafficking in fentanyl, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, marijuana in excess of 20 grams, drug paraphernalia possession and corruption by threat against a public servant.
Given the incident on Nov. 20, prosecutors have reopened the 2021 case since he violated the terms of his agreement.
Roy is being held at the Charlotte County Jail without bond, according to a review of online arrest records.
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