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What Happened To Sandy Staggs? Know Everything About His Cause Of Death And Obituary

The Spartanburg community was recently saddened by the passing of Sandy Staggs on February 27, founder and artistic director of Proud Mary Theatre Company. In October, he was honored by the Spartanburg County Foundation for his dedication to the theatre arts in the Upstate area. As a leader in the LGBT+ theatre community, Sandy will be remembered for his tireless commitment to advancing the arts. Keep reading more.

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Who Was Sandy Staggs?

Sandy was born and raised in Spartanburg, South Carolina. He earned his BFA from Converse College in 1999 and immediately set out to make an impact on the local theatre scene. From 1999 until 2018 he served as artistic director of Proud Mary Theatre Company, a nonprofit organization dedicated to producing works that explore issues relevant to gay/lesbian audiences and their allies. During this time he produced countless productions ranging from classic musicals to original works written by local playwrights. He was also instrumental in establishing Carolina Curtain Call, a blog dedicated to covering the theatrical happenings throughout South Carolina.

What happened to Sandy Staggs? What was the cause his death?

At this time, no cause of death has been released publicly however it is believed that Sandy passed away due to complications related to COVID-19. His death has left many people stunned and heartbroken as he had been a fixture in Spartanburg’s theatre community for over 20 years. Tributes have been pouring in from friends and colleagues who were touched by his passion for the arts and advocacy for diversity within them.

Proud Mary Theatre Company
Proud Mary Theatre is at a loss for words at the sudden death of our Artistic Director and founder, Sandy Staggs. Sandy founded South Carolina’s only LGBT+ theatre company and won the SCTA Theatre Award for Theatre Advocate of the Year for his work with Carolina Curtain Call and supporting theatre in the upstate. The entire community mourns his loss. Updates to follow. RIP Sandy.

Sandy Staggs Obituary

Sandy Staggs lived a life devoted to helping others find their voice through art and theatre. His legacy will live on through all those who were fortunate enough to know him or have experienced his work firsthand. The GoFundMe page set up by Proud Mary Theatre Company is still active if you would like to contribute towards funeral expenses or other costs associated with his passing.. We offer our deepest sympathies during this difficult time and extend our thoughts & prayers to Sandy’s family & friends during this trying period. So long, Sandy – thank you for your tireless dedication & commitment towards making your dream a reality! Rest In Peace!
Hi there, I’d really appreciate it if you could share or donate to this GoFundMe, https://www.gofundme.com/f/sandy-staggs?utm_source=customer-andr

Tributes Pours To Sandy Staggs death

The outpouring of love and support from those who knew him has been overwhelming with many taking to social media to express their sadness at his passing as well as gratitude for all that he accomplished in his lifetime.

“Sandy was one of my first mentors when I started working with theatre here in Spartanburg,” said one friend on Facebook. “He taught me so much about what it meant to create art with integrity and passion.” Another wrote “Not only did we lose an amazing theater artist but we lost an incredible human being too! He will be truly missed!”

Christine Lias
I am SHOCKED and SADDENED to hear the news of my absolute dear friend Sandy Staggs passing. I’m trying to get more news, but please anyone who knows anything, please message me or call my cell phone. I’ll have my Facebook message on tonight. I just saw Sandy Staggs in June, and he IS and will ALWAYS BE one of the most AMAZING people in my life. My heart is beating so fast right now. Please anyone message me from Proud Mary Theatre Company. Thank you!!

Regina Wells
So crushed to hear of your passing dear friend. You know… you’re just never ever prepared for life’s pandemonium. I will rejoice in the memories we created and the beautiful life you lived. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work at South Carolinas first LGBTQ+ theatre company. Please rest in peace, lord knows you worked tirelessly enough.
Sandy Staggs ❤️??

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