HomeCrimeXavier McConico convicted of killing former football player

Xavier McConico convicted of killing former football player

Houston football player slaying

Xavier McConico, top inset, was convicted of killing Earl Foster (player hugging coach) at a Houston gas station in March 2020. Two months earlier, McConico is accused of killing 16-year-old Undre Thomas, bottom inset. (McConico, Foster images: Harris County District Attorney’s Office; Undre photo: obituary)

A gang member was sentenced to life in prison for allegedly killing two people in two months: a former college football player and a 16-year-old boy in Texas.

Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg announced on Saturday that 23-year-old Xavier Jerome McConico was convicted in the shooting of Earl Anthony-Blair Foster on March 31, 2020, in Houston. According to prosecutors, several people were in a heated argument that turned physical at a gas station on Houston’s southwest side. A man punched another man, leaving him unconscious. McConico then pulled out a gun, and Foster, who was not involved in the fight, took off running into the parking lot.

McConico fired three shots, one of which heat Foster in the back of the head near the gas pumps, according to prosecutors. Foster, 27, died and McConico ran away. Police were able to obtain a warrant for McConico’s arrest after pulling surveillance footage. He admitted to the shooting, prosecutors said.

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