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Dateline: Lydia Echevarria Controversial Puerto Rican Actress Convicted Of Masterminding The Murder Of Her husband Luis Vigoreaux

Inside ‘Dateline: Lydia ECHEVARRÍA Controversial Puerto Rican Actress convicted of masterminding the murder of her husband Luis Vigoreaux’– Lydia ECHEVARRÍA was a Puerto Rican actress who gained notoriety for her role in the murder of her husband, Luis Vigoreaux.

Dateline: Lydia Echevarria Controversial Puerto Rican Actress Convicted Of Masterminding The Murder Of Her husband Luis Vigoreaux

On a cold December morning in Puerto Rico, the controversial actress Lydia Echevarria was convicted of masterminding the murder of her husband and famed Puerto Rican actor, Luis Vigoreaux. The media described her as a “cold-blooded killer” and the court found her guilty of conspiracy to commit first-degree murder with malice aforethought. This article will take an in-depth look at what happened leading up to the fateful day when Lydia Echevarria was arrested and convicted of one of Puerto Rico’s most heinous crimes. We will also discuss how this case has become part of popular culture in Puerto Rico and around the world.

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Who is Lydia ECHEVARRÍA? Early Life and Career of Lydia ECHEVARRÍA

Lydia Echevarria is a controversial Puerto Rican actress who was convicted of masterminding the murder of her husband Luis Vigoreaux television show producer. Echevarria was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and began her acting career in the early 1970s. She appeared in a number of films and television shows, including the popular soap opera “El Amor Tiene Cara de Mujer.” In 2001, she married Luis Vigoreaux, a well-known television presenter in Puerto Rico. The couple had two children together.


Echevarria’s husband was found dead in his car in 2003, and she was immediately suspected of being involved in his murder. A trial ensued, during which Echevarria maintained her innocence. However, she was ultimately convicted and sentenced to life in prison. She is currently serving her sentence at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico.

What Happened?

Lydia Echevarria, a well-known Puerto Rican actress, was convicted of masterminding the murder of her husband, Luis Vigoreaux. The two had been married for over 20 years and had three children together.

Echevarria had been having an affair with a man named Carlos Diaz, and she convinced him to kill her husband so that she could be with him. Diaz shot Vigoreaux in the head while he was sleeping, and Echevarria staged it to look like a robbery gone wrong.

She was eventually caught and convicted of first-degree murder. She is currently serving a life sentence in prison.

The Trial

Echevarria’s husband, Enrique Perez, was shot to death in their home in San Juan, Puerto Rico. prosecutors said that Echevarria had hired a hit man to kill Perez because she was unhappy with her marriage.

Echevarria admitted to hiring the hit man, but she claimed that she did not know he would kill Perez. She said she only wanted him to scare Perez so that he would leave her alone.

Dateline: Lydia ECHEVARRÍA Controversial Puerto Rican Actress convicted of masterminding the murder of her husband

The jury did not believe Echevarria’s claim of innocence and found her guilty of first-degree murder.

In 1998, Puerto Rican actress Lydia Echevarría was convicted of masterminding the murder of her husband, Luis Vigoreaux. The trial was a highly publicized event, and Echevarría’s conviction was controversial. Many people believed that she was innocent and that she had been convicted based on flawed evidence.

The trial lasted for six weeks and featured testimony from over 100 witnesses. The prosecution argued that Echevarría had hired a hitman to kill Vigoreaux because she was unhappy in her marriage. They presented evidence that she had been having an affair with another man and that she had attempted to hire a hitman to kill her husband in the past.

The defence argued that the evidence against Echevarría was circumstantial and that she could not have committed the crime. They pointed to inconsistencies in the prosecution’s case and argued that there were other possible suspects who had motives to kill Vigoreaux.

In the end, the jury found Echevarría guilty of first-degree murder, and she was sentenced to life in prison. She has maintained her innocence throughout her incarceration, and her case continues to be divisive among the Puerto Rican public.

The Verdict

Dateline: Lydia ECHEVARRÍA Controversial Puerto Rican Actress convicted of masterminding the murder of her husband

In 2012, Lydia Echevarria was convicted of masterminding the murder of her husband, Luis Vigoreaux. The verdict was controversial, with many people believing that she did not receive a fair trial. However, the evidence against her was strong and the jury found her guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. She is currently serving a life sentence in prison.

How This Case Has Divided Puerto Rico

This case has divided Puerto Rico for several reasons. First, many people cannot believe that Lydia Echevarria would be capable of such a crime. She was always seen as a kind and loving person, so it is hard for many to understand how she could have ordered her husband’s murder. Second, there are those who believe that Echevarria is being used as a scapegoat by the government. There are claims that the real culprits behind Luis Vigoreaux’s murder are still at large, and that Echevarria is being made to take the fall for them. Third, there is the issue of Puerto Rico’s status as a territory of the United States. Some believe that this case highlights the injustices that Puerto Ricans face under American rule. They argue that Echevarria would not have been convicted if she were living in another jurisdiction, such as the mainland United States. fourth, there are those who see this case as proof that corruption is rampant in Puerto Rico. They believe that Echevarria was able to get away with murder because she had connections to powerful people who were able to help her evade justice. Finally, there are those who believe that this case highlights the need for reform in Puerto Rico’s criminal justice system. They argue that the system is flawed and needs to be fixed in order to ensure that cases like this are handled fairly and justly in the future.

Post Imprisonment Life of Lydia ECHEVARRÍA

After being released from prison in 2009, Lydia Echevarria settled in Miami, Florida. She kept a low profile and avoided the public eye. In 2012, she gave an interview to the Puerto Rican newspaper El Nuevo Dia, her first since being convicted of murder. In the interview, she spoke about her life after prison and her regrets about what happened.

Echevarria said that she was “haunted” by what she had done and that she would never be able to forget it. She said that she was grateful to be alive and that she hoped to help others who were in similar situations. She also spoke about her relationships with her children and grandchildren, saying that they were the most important things in her life.

In 2016, Echevarria published a book called “Yo no fui,” which means “I wasn’t there.” In the book, she talks about her life leading up to the murder and her time in prison. She says that she wrote the book to help other women who might be in abusive relationships.

Echevarria has stayed out of trouble since being released from prison and seems to be living a quiet life. She has not given any interviews or made any public appearances in recent years.


Lydia ECHEVARRÍA’s story is one of tragedy and controversy, but also of resilience. She was a victim of domestic abuse who managed to fight back with the help of her lover and mastermind an elaborate plan to have her husband killed. While her actions were undoubtedly wrong, it is impossible not to admire the strength she must have had in order for them to be carried out. Her story serves as a reminder that no matter what situation you are in, there is always power within yourself if you choose to find it.

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