HomeCrimeMan boxed in girls at Massachusetts church: Police

Man boxed in girls at Massachusetts church: Police

Michael Gadomski boxed in two girls at a restroom in The Seventh Day Adventist Church in Hudson, Massachusetts, on March 2, 2024, police said. (Mug shot: Hudson, Massachusetts, Police Department)

Michael Gadomski boxed in two girls at a restroom in The Seventh Day Adventist Church in Hudson, Massachusetts, on March 2, 2024, police said. (Mug shot: Hudson, Massachusetts, Police Department)

A Massachusetts man is accused of boxing in two young girls at a church restroom until one of them managed to elbow him and escape.

A witness spotted Michael Gadomski, 61, follow a girl out of the bathroom and saying, “Boy, she’s quick,” according to documents obtained by Boston ABC affiliate WCVB.

“He said they were laughing and playing, so he decided to join them by chasing them into the bathroom,” cops wrote. “He did not seem to think his actions were unwanted and said he just wanted to play with them.”

Officers in the city of Hudson, which is about 40 miles west of Boston, said they responded to The Seventh Day Adventist Church on Marlboro Street on Saturday.

Gadomski had allegedly followed two girls into the restroom and stopped them from leaving, they said.

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