HomeCrimeMom who used cane blade on man fighting with son convicted

Mom who used cane blade on man fighting with son convicted

Renee DiPietro is escorted by police (via YouTube/WPVI). Inset top: Renee DiPietro. Inset bottom: Images of the blade and cane DiPietro used to kill Michael Sides (both via Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office).

The elderly Pennsylvania woman accused of using a blade hidden in a cane to fatally stab a man fighting with her son has been convicted of murder.

Jurors found Renee DiPietro, 70, guilty of third-degree murder and possessing an instrument of crime after several hours of deliberation on Thursday, Philadelphia ABC affiliate WPVI reported. As Law&Crime previously reported, Michael Thomas Sides, 31, died after DiPietro stabbed him with a 16-inch blade hidden in her walking cane on June 10, 2023.

DiPietro appeared to defend herself as she was led out of court after the verdict, and she told reporters that she intends to appeal.

“What would you do if it was your child?” she said from behind her hands, shielding her face, as two sheriff’s deputies escorted her into an elevator.

It was not immediately clear from court records when her sentencing will be held.

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