David Alan Wakefield and Rachel Jean Wakefield sexually abused a student who attended Damascus Christian School, deputies said. (Mug shots: Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office)
A husband and wife are charged with sexually abusing a student while holding prominent roles at Damascus Christian School in Damascus, Oregon. David Alan Wakefield, 60, had been the principal and athletic director until 2020 while his wife, Rachel Jean Wakefield, 54, was a substitute teacher and coach.
Authorities in Clackamas County claim the two abused a student for approximately four years, starting when she was 14. Detectives worry that there could be more victims, and accordingly, they are seeking information from the public.
From deputies:
Anyone with information on possible additional criminal activity by David and Rachel Wakefield is urged to contact the Sheriff’s Office Tip Line — by phone at 503-723-4949 or by using the online form. Please reference CCSO Case # 22-020999.
You can submit online tips here.
A grand jury indicted the Wakefields on Feb. 20, with the husband facing 20 counts of sex abuse in the second degree, and the wife for 11 counts of sex abuse in the second degree.
David Wakefield was aware of the allegations since 2021 and turned himself in when charges were filed, his attorney, Barry Engle, wrote in court, according to The Oregonian.
“Dave and Rachel Wakefield have been valued members of the Clackamas County community for their lives,” he and Rachel Wakefield’s attorney, Zach Stern, reportedly said in a joint statement. “They deny the charges and look forward to the day when the truth comes out.”
Damascus Christian School said they were “heartbroken” to hear about the charges filed against the Wakefields.
“Although this couple have not been connected to the church or school for some time, Damascus Community Church and Christian School still take these reports very seriously and the safety of our students and staff is a top priority,” the school wrote in a statement released Thursday. “If requested, we will fully cooperate with law enforcement and the courts during this process. If you have any additional information regarding these charges or other allegations, we encourage you to contact the Clackamas County Sherriff’s Office directly. Please join us in praying for all those involved in this situation.”
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