The last thing Linda Frickey heard as she lay beaten, bruised, with her arm ripped off her body, was a friendly voice saying, “We’ll pray for you”.
As CrimeOnline previously reported, police said Frickey had been dragged by her car for an extended period in March 2022. She died at the scene and somehow became dislodged from her vehicle — causing her arm to be ripped off.
Police announced in 2022 that they arrested four suspects, a 17-year-old male, one 16-year-old female, and two 15-year-old females. New Orleans Police Department Superintendent Shaun Ferguson revealed that two of the juveniles’ parents turned them in hours after they publicized surveillance footage showing the carjacking suspects.
Prosecutors alleged that one of the teens, identified as John Honore, now 18, pepper-sprayed the grandmother and then punched and kicked her to force her out of the vehicle. She became tangled in a seat belt and was dragged more than 700 feet while the teens were fleeing. Her arm became severed after striking a utility pole cable.

A Louisiana judge later sentenced Honore to life in prison for his actions.
Three other teens pleaded guilty to attempted manslaughter and have been sentenced to 20 years in prison in connection with the brutal attack. They were identified as Briniyah Baker, Lenyra Theophile, and Mar’Qel Curtis.
“[Frickey] died quite arguably in one of the most brutal deaths that we can possibly imagine, and she was loved by her children and her grandchildren,” Body Bags host, Joseph Scott Morgan said.
“I kind of gave myself a chill and I was sitting here and I was thinking about my grandmother, and it draws up such emotion for me that when you live, you live a life that is a good life, and those that are around you love you more than gold.”
“You deserve better than to be robbed of that life and taken away from those who have so much value placed in you in the life that you live and what you’ve done for them.”
Join Joseph Scott Morgan and co-host Dave Mack as they go behind the headlines on the story of a loving grandmother who died in a gruesome way.
But witnesses ask; Where’s the blood?
[Feature Photo: Linda Frickey/Facebook]