Let us explore ‘The History Of The Targaryen Family Tree Breakdown- House Of The Dragon (Games Of Throne)’ When it comes to the Game of Thrones, there are a lot of characters and families that fans are eager to learn more about. In this article, we’re going to take a look at one particular family – the Targaryens.
The History Of The Targaryen Dynasty
According to Wikipedia, The Targaryen dynasty is an ancient royal family that can be traced back to the Kingdom of Dorne. The first Targaryen king was Aenar Targaryen, who reigned during the First Era. Aenar’s son, Aegon I Targaryen, became the first Targaryen to rule over the entire Kingdom of Westeros. Aegon’s grandson, Maegor I Targaryen, became the first dragonlord of Westeros and lord of the Seven Kingdoms.
The Targaryens remained the ruling dynasty of the Seven Kingdoms for more than a century until they were overthrown by Robert Baratheon in a bloody civil war.
The History Of King Aegon I Targaryen (Aegon the Conqueror)
Aegon the Conqueror was the first Targaryen to sit on the Iron Throne, and he ruled for 44 years. Aegon was a great warrior and conqueror, and he led his people to victory in many wars. Aegon was also a very wise ruler, and he improved many parts of the kingdom while he was in power. Aegon is best known for his conquest of Westeros, which led to the unification of the Seven Kingdoms. Aegon was a great king, and his descendants continued to rule over Westeros for many years after his death.
Below is a list of all of Aegon’s children and their dynasties:
Aegon I Targaryen (Aegon the Conqueror)
Rhaena Targaryen
Aerys II Targaryen
Maegor I Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen
King Maegor I The Targaryen Kingdom
King Maegor I Targaryen was the first Targaryen ruler of Westeros. He was born in the year 871, to Prince Aemon and Lady Melisandre. He ascended to the throne in 919, after his brother Prince Viserys died in battle. Maegor ruled for over forty years, during which he expanded the Kingdom of Westeros at the expense of his rivals. He also undertook many military campaigns, including a successful campaign against the Dornish Marcher Lords and a disastrous attempt to conquer the Free Cities of Essos. Towards the end of his reign, Maegor became increasingly reclusive and paranoid, leading to increasing disorder and lawlessness within his kingdom. In 936, he was overthrown by his own son, King Jon Arryn, who had him imprisoned in the Tower of Joy. There, he died two years later, in 938.
King Maegor I Targaryen was a great ruler who expanded the Kingdom of Westeros at the expense of his rivals. He also undertook many military campaigns, including a successful campaign against the Dornish Marcher Lords and a disastrous attempt to conquer the Free Cities of Essos. Towards the end
King Jaehaerys I Targaryen
King Jaehaerys I Targaryen, or “the Mad King”, is one of the most controversial kings in Westeros history. He was a ruthless ruler who was known for his cruelty and thirst for power. Jaehaerys was the son of Aegon II Targaryen and his first wife, Amalas Arryn. Jaehaerys had two sisters: Rhaena and Aelinor.
Jaehaerys married his second wife, Queen Elia Martell of Dorne, in 294 AC. Elia was the daughter of Doran Martell, the Prince of Dorne. The couple had three children: Maegor the Cruel, Aerys II Targaryen, and Rhaella Targaryen. Jaehaerys died in 210 AC, after a long reign that saw him conquer most of Westeros.
King Viserys I Targaryen (Paddy Considine)
In the A Song of Ice and Fire series, King Viserys I Targaryen is the father of Daenerys Targaryen and Rhaegar Targaryen. Viserys was once one of the most powerful men in the Seven Kingdoms, but his reign ended in disaster. His rule was marked by corruption, cruelty, and…
King Viserys I Targaryen (Paddy Considine)
In the A Song of Ice and Fire series, King Viserys I Targaryen is the father of Daenerys Targaryen and Rhaegar Targaryen. Viserys was once one of the most powerful men in the Seven Kingdoms, but his reign ended in disaster. His rule was marked by corruption, cruelty, and tyranny, culminating in his own death at the hands of his own son Rhaegar. However, much of what happened during Viserys’ reign remains a mystery to fans. In this blog post, we’ll explore what we know about King Viserys I Targaryen and try to fill in some of the gaps in his story.
The Targaryen Dynasty Explained
The Targaryen dynasty is one of the most famous and illustrious royal lines in all of Westeros. The dynasty was founded by Aenys Targaryen, the eldest son of Aegon the Conqueror and his first wife, Visenya. Aegon and Visenya had three children: Aenys, Maegor the Cruel, and Rhaenyra Targaryen. Aenys was the father of two sons: Viserys and Daenerys. Viserys was killed by his brother Robert Baratheon while trying to reclaim the throne from their father, which led to the War of the Five Kings. Daenerys later went to Essos to look for her brother’s Bones, which she used to legitimize her rule over Westeros as “Queen of The Seven Kingdoms”.
There have been fourteen monarchs who have held the title “King or Queen of The Seven Kingdoms” since Aegon’s Conquest in 640 BC. The current monarch is Queen Cersei Lannister, who has reigned for nine years as of the end of season 7 of Game of Thrones. The Targaryens are one of only two royal families whose members have ever ruled all seven kingdoms simultaneously (
The Conquest Of Westeros Lineage
The Targaryen family tree is a complex one, with many branches and descendants. In this article, we will explore the most prominent Targaryen lineages, and explain how they came to rule Westeros.
The Targaryens are a noble house from the Kingdom of Westeros. They are descended from the dragonlords who ruled over the region before it was conquered by the First Men. Aegon the Conqueror, king of the Iron Throne, claimed to be descended from Visenya, a priestess of R’hllor who had married King Aenar of House Andal. Aegon and his siblings (Queen Rhaena, Prince Viserys, and Princess Laenor) took the Valyrian steel sword Ice at Harrenhal and rode into Westeros on dragons in 298 AC. They declared themselves Kings of the Seven Kingdoms and began a centuries-long conquest that would make them the first dynasty in Westeros to rule from their own capital at King’s Landing.
The Targaryens were divided into three main lines: The Blackfyres, who ruled in Essos; The Arryns, who ruled in the North; and The Lannisters, who ruled in the South
The War of the Five Kings
The Targaryen family tree is one of the most convoluted and complicated dynasties in Westeros. With so many people with similar names and families, it can be hard to keep track of who is related to who. In this article, we will break down the Targaryen family tree and explain which members are related to which others. We will start with the father, Aerys II Targaryen, and work our way backward.
Aerys II was the fifth ruler of the Targaryen dynasty. He was born in 173 AC to Prince Aemon Targaryen and Queen Rhaella Lannister. Aemon was a younger brother of King Robert I Baratheon, making Aerys an uncle to both Robert and Joffrey Baratheon. Aerys married Elia Martell of Dorne in 200 AC, and they had three children: Tywin Lannister, Daenerys Stormborn, and Cersei Lannister.
Elia died in childbirth in 209 AC after giving birth to Cersei. This left Aerys very lonely and he began to drink heavily. In 211 AC, he seized power from his nephew Robert I by using wildfire –
The Dance of the Dragons
The Targaryen family tree is one of the most convoluted and confusing in all of Westeros. There have been so many marriages, births, and deaths that it’s hard to keep track of who is related to who. In this blog post, we’ll try to explain everything you need to know about the Targaryen family tree.
The Targaryens are a famous house from the Kingdom of Westeros. Their name comes from the ancient Valyrian word for dragon, which is why many people believe that they are descendants of dragons. Even though this theory is debunked by canon, it’s still a popular legend among fans of the show.
According to genealogical records, the Targaryens were originally from House Tarth on the eastern continent of Essos. When Aegon the Conqueror invaded Westeros in the early years of the First Age, he claimed Tarth as his new kingdom. Aegon married Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen (a member of House Lannister) and they had three children: Aenys, Maegor (the Mad King), and Visenya (the Twilight Queen). After Aegon’s death, Rhaenyra ruled as
Robert’s Rebellion
The Targaryen Family Tree Explained
The Targaryen dynasty is one of the most well-known and renowned royal families in Westeros. Originating from the Kingdom of Dorne, the Targaryens rose to power in the Seven Kingdoms after overthrowing their cousins, the Arryns, in a bloody civil war. Known for their dragons, which they use to conquer new territory, the Targaryens have a long and storied history. Here’s everything you need to know about their dynasty and family tree.
The Targaryen dynasty is one of the most well-known and renowned royal families in Westeros. Originating from the Kingdom of Dorne, the Targaryens rose to power in the Seven Kingdoms after overthrowing their cousins, the Arryns, in a bloody civil war. Known for their dragons, which they use to conquer new territory, the Targaryens have a long and storied history. Here’s everything you need to know about their dynasty and family tree:
Who Are The Targaryens?
The Targaryen dynasty is derived from House Dorne, which is located in southeastern Essos. After King Aegon III of House Arryn
A Song of Ice & Fire Explained
The Targaryen family tree is a complicated one, full of secrets and betrayals. In this blog post, we’ll try to untangle the web of relationships and explain how each member of the Targaryen dynasty fits into the scheme of things.

First things first: who are the Targaryens? The dynasty was founded by Aegon the Conqueror, who claimed the Iron Throne in the late First Age after overthrowing the last king of Westeros, House Targaryen. Aegon was succeeded by his son, Aemon Targaryen, who ruled until his death in 209 AC. Aemon’s son, King Maegor I (193-197 AC), was killed in a civil war with his brothers, and their sister Visenya took up the crown as Queen Regent. Her second husband, King Aerys II (r. 197-209 AC), eventually forced her to abdicate in 241 AC, after which he took power as sole ruler of Westeros. Aerys was killed in 283 AC by his own sons, who raised prince Rhaegar (r. 190-198 AC) to the throne. Rhaegar had two sons with Elia Martell
The Targaryen Dynasty in the Game of Thrones TV Series
The Targaryen dynasty was one of the most powerful families in Westeros, and their rule was often contested. In the television series Game of Thrones, the Targaryens are a prominent family and play a large role in the story. Here, we’ll explain everything you need to know about the dynasty and its members.